What is Acupuncture?Acupuncture has been practised for thousands of years, its origins predate modern civilisation and can be traced back to the last ice age … More >
Acupuncture Treatments |
About Myles GloverHolding numerous qualifications, Myles first became interested in acupuncture after suffering a bad neck injury while training in Aikido, a Japanese martial art. After getting nowhere with conventional medicine, he sought a cure with an acupuncturist almost as a last resort and was amazed by a complete cure in an amazingly short period of time. … More >
Testimonial by Cricketeer Tim LinleyProfessional Cricketeer Tim Linley of Surrey and Sussex fame talks about his experience of acupuncture with Myles, and the excellent results he's had.
" I walked in in agony, with unbelievable neck pain. An hour later I walked out completely pain free. In addition, occasional migraines that I used to suffer haven't happened since that treatment... Amazing! " |
I can not even say how grateful I am to Myles for healing my knee. On Wednesday my knee was swollen, I could not bend it and it was very painful. I was waking up during the night in pain. On Friday I went to see Myles for the first treatment. On the way to see him I could not even seat on the bus as I was not able to bend my knee. |